The childhood story of Dexter Morgan, a now-atheist from Afghanistan!
When I was 8, I was enrolled in an Islamic teaching center, as usual for kids in my country. Of course, I didn’t know anything. My Muslim teacher taught me everything. Here is a list of what I was taught:
He used to say; “Don’t drink alcohol”
I didn’t know what alcohol was. He taught me.
He used to say; “You shouldn’t play with girls. Don’t look at their bodies”
I wasn’t looking at their bodies while playing. He taught me.
He used to say; “Do not let your sisters go out. They should stay inside and, if necessary, beat them to keep them inside”
I didn’t know there was something called ‘beating your own sister’. He taught me.
He used to say; “Do not have sex before official marriage.”
I didn’t know what having sex was. He taught me.
He used to say; “Women inherit half of men”
I didn’t know women were inferior compared to men. I didn’t intend to look at women that way. He taught me.
He always wanted us to stay away from females because we were superiors. He always talked about Jannah and men’s lust there and how women would contribute to this cause. He succeeded in that. He divided us. I was no longer considering women as human.
Repeating sentences, brain-washing…
Repeating and repeating and repeating…
He repeated these sentences so much that we, kids, already had an inferiority complex towards our moms, sisters, and every female around us.
The origin of that look and behavior from a Muslim towards a female (you know what kind of look and behavior I am talking about) is where every kid in my country is being raised, Islamic teaching centers.
He didn’t raise a human mentality in us, he nurtured a beastly one. He wanted us to be monsters, each of us. A beast in each house was what he was trying to raise.
One day, he told me to read Quran. I read without knowing and understanding a single word.
He forced me to read something I didn’t know the meaning of.
Then, he forced me to memorize what I had read. I memorized them all, the words I didn’t know the meaning of a single one of them.
Then, there was the competition, Quran reciting competition. I came first. I was applauded and awarded. Awarded for something I didn’t know anything about.
“Anything good happening to us is Allah’s blessing and anything bad happening to us is Allah’s wisdom.”
He taught me that humans are nothing but useless and helpless and poor creatures. He didn’t let me try my way to change things up. He took every talent from me from the beginning.
He told me to say “Bismillah Rahman Rahim” before starting everything. He even neutralized my thinking mechanism. He didn’t want me to think before acting. He wanted me to follow and obey like a mechanical being.
He said that it is permissible in Islam to lie, and it is called Taqqiya. I didn’t know what lying was. He taught me.
He said that it is permissible in Islam to kill infidels. I didn’t know there were other kinds of people beyond Men and Women. I didn’t know killing a human. He taught me.
He said to follow your heart and try to embrace everything taught here by heart. I didn’t know what a heart was. He taught me to think by heart, not by mind.
And he said to follow Arabs. Love Mohammed more than my parents. I forgot I had a caring father and mother. I started behaving with them badly because I was taught that my parents were valueless compared to Mohammed.
I was forced to act like Arab, no matter where and in which nation with which culture and tradition I was born. I was almost turning into a real Arab when I went to Turkey to follow up on my education. Everything changed there. I spent 24 years of my life like a beast. And now, here, I proudly say I am an ATHEIST. Nothing matters to me more than humans and humanity. Whatever the circumstances, I will always stand with humanity.
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Dexter Freethinker
اخلاقیات و خداناباوری
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براساس علم، خدا وجود ندارد
Dexter Freethinker
آزاداندیشی چیست؟
اسلام چگونه پدید آمد؟
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عبدالرئوف محمد؛ از وزارت طالبان تا تهدیدی برای امنیت غرب
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نانسی دوپری مادربزرگ افغانستان
چرا بعضی افراد در معرض مرگ شاد هستند؟
خداناباوری جرات یا اشتباه؟
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سفری هیجان انگیز از ایمان تا ناباوری
Dexter Freethinker
تلاوت یا مطالعه قرآن؟
Dexter Freethinker
Does Islam Preach Jihad?
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چرا انسانها دم ندارند؟
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کدام سیاره به زمین نزدیکتر است؟
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ساعت ساز نابینا
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حقوق بشر
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صد سال تحولات سیاسی افغانستان
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بازنشانی کنیداز شما که در نظر دارید با کمک مالی خود، به فعالیت های سازمان غیرانتفاعی ایکس مسلم کمک کنید، صمیمانه سپاسگزاریم.
ایکس مسلم، یک سازمان غیرانتفاعی است که با هدف آزادی کشور عزیز ما از خرافات اسلامی، در میان هموطنان خود که در سراسر جهان زیست میکنند، فعالیت می کند. ما معتقدیم که اسلام دینی خشونتزا، تروریست پرور و زن ستیز است. ما تلاش می کنیم تا این پیام را به گوش جهانیان برسانیم و به مسلمانانی که به حقوق بشر ارزش قائل هستند، کمک کنیم تا با تفکر مستقل و خردمندانه، به باورهای خود بنگرند.
آزادی، توانایی انسان در انتخاب مسیر زندگی خود است. آزادی انتخاب، آزادی اندیشه، آزادی بیان، آزادی حرکت، آزادی تجمع، آزادی اعتراض، آزادی از شکنجه، آزادی از تبعیض، همه و همه از ابعاد مختلف آزادی هستند. آزادی، شرط لازم برای زندگی انسانی است. انسان بدون آزادی، نمیتواند به شکوفایی و رشد خود برسد. آزادی، به انسان اجازه میدهد تا استعدادها و تواناییهای خود را پرورش دهد، به دنبال اهداف خود برود و در جامعه مشارکت کند.